Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Two Goats

Goat Mechanic has been updated and Gassy Goat has been released...

Goat Mechanic

I have updated my previous app Goat Mechanic on Google Play and redistributed it on the Apple App Store. It started as a game jam entry that got turned into a standalone app. I integrated Google Admob interstitial (video) ads. Players can wait for in-game currency, or watch a 30 second video ad, or purchase currency with real money. It is a bit shameless, but it works.

This is an older game, written in Lua with the Corona game engine. This project uses a tool called Spriteloq/Animo, used to consolidate the art; the tool no longer exists because it was sold to a company that is no longer in business. Thankfully, I had a backup within the project's depot.

Gassy Goat

At last, Gassy Goat has been released - a game that had been finished for a long time, now available for download on Google Play. I will submit it to the Apple App Store in a week if there are no major issues.

Gassy Goat is an HTML5 game written in Phaser with the language LiveScript that compiles to JavaScript. The code is obfuscated with Minifier.org, and packaged as an Android APK with Cocoon.io using the AdMob plugin for interstitial ads. Yes, there are definitely many layers of technology involved here.

...I'm glad to be near the end of list of tasks. Only Pizza Bot remains. There are some older apps that I considered revising, but I have determined it would not be worth the time.

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